Water Thick-knee Burhinus vermiculatus Scientific name definitions
Revision Notes
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Species names in all available languages
Language | Common name |
Afrikaans | Waterdikkop |
Bulgarian | Воден турилик |
Catalan | torlit d'aigua |
Croatian | močvarna ćukavica |
Czech | dytík vodní |
Dutch | Watergriel |
English | Water Thick-knee |
English (United States) | Water Thick-knee |
Finnish | rantapaksujalka |
French | Oedicnème vermiculé |
French (Canada) | Oedicnème vermiculé |
German | Wassertriel |
Icelandic | Vætutríll |
Japanese | ミズベイシチドリ |
Norwegian | vanntriel |
Polish | kulon nadwodny |
Portuguese (Angola) | Alcaravão-d'água |
Russian | Водяная авдотка |
Serbian | Vodeni ćurlikovac |
Slovak | ležiak vodný |
Spanish | Alcaraván Acuático |
Spanish (Spain) | Alcaraván acuático |
Swedish | vattentjockfot |
Turkish | Su Kocagözü |
Ukrainian | Лежень заїрський |
Zulu | isiwelewele |
Revision Notes
Peter F. D. Boesman contributed to the Sounds and Vocal Behavior page.
Burhinus vermiculatus (Cabanis, 1868)
- vermiculata / vermiculatus
The Key to Scientific Names
Legend Overview
Field Identification
38–41 cm; 293–320 g. Similar to B. oedicnemus and B. senegalensis (and is syntopic with latter in parts of W Africa), but generally rather darker; broad, pale covert panel has thin white upper line on lesser coverts but lacks fine black lower edge ; bill longer and rather heavier, with less yellow at base . Unlike other Burhinus, has fine vermiculated patterns on upperparts but these are only visible at close range; in flight, has rather broad, blunt wings and short tail, with feet projecting slightly beyond tip. B. capensis lacks wingbars, unlike present species (1). Juvenile very similar to adult, but has buff spotting on grey upperwing-coverts, and more abundant vermiculations on upperparts and tail. Race buettikoferi rather darker and browner, less grey, and has longer bill (in male 49–54 mm versus 41–46 mm in nominate) (1).
Systematics History
Editor's Note: This article requires further editing work to merge existing content into the appropriate Subspecies sections. Please bear with us while this update takes place.
Two subspecies recognized.Subspecies
Burhinus vermiculatus buettikoferi Scientific name definitions
Burhinus vermiculatus buettikoferi (Reichenow, 1898)
- vermiculata / vermiculatus
- buettikoferi
The Key to Scientific Names
Legend Overview
Burhinus vermiculatus vermiculatus Scientific name definitions
Burhinus vermiculatus vermiculatus (Cabanis, 1868)
- vermiculata / vermiculatus
The Key to Scientific Names
Legend Overview
Editor's Note: Additional distribution information for this taxon can be found in the 'Subspecies' article above. In the future we will develop a range-wide distribution article.
Riverbanks and lake edges , estuaries and mangroves; also undisturbed, sheltered beaches; prefers areas with some bushes for cover. Light woodland or other cover provides the shade that is essential by day. Recorded to 1500 m in Uganda (2) and 1800 m in Zambia (3).
Sedentary, apart from some local movements to avoid flooding and occasional records outside normal range in non-breeding season, e.g. in Malawi (4); birds subsequently return to exposed riversides and rocks within rivers (1) as water recedes. Species sometimes considered a vagrant to S Senegal (1), hinting at the possibility of occasional longer-distance dispersal, but other authorities treat it as a rare resident there (5).
Diet and Foraging
Feeds on insects, crustaceans and molluscs. Nocturnal and terrestrial feeder; sometimes feeds on dirt roads at night (4). Feeds by tilting forwards to grasp food in the bill. May forage more than 1 km from water.
Sounds and Vocal Behavior
The melancholy, atmospheric song of this species is a quintessential sound of dusk at waterside habitats in large parts of Africa (6). Well known by these loud piping whistles, there is far less knowledge about its vocabulary in close range communication during courtship and breeding.
Vocal Development
No information.
Vocal Array
Slowing piping. A loud, rather strident but plaintive overslurred series of piping whistles which gradually increase in duration, ti-ti-ti-ti-ti-tee-tee-teee or pi-pi-pi-pi-pee-pee-PEE-PEE-PEE-PEE-PEE-PEE-PEE-peeu-peeeu-peeeu-peeeu-peeeu (5,6). Series includes some 15‒25 notes for a duration of 4‒8s. Staccato notes initially very short and gradually rising in pitch, loudest middle notes reaching about 3kHz (or 4-5kHz when notes have an abrupt change in pitch), then gradually descending in pitch and fading away. Series are often given in chorus, by pair or flock members (1). Considered to be slower, more drawn-out, melancholy and less descending than that of B. senegalensis (7,8), but not (yet) corroborated by a quantified analysis and may only apply to subspecies buettikoferi. On-line recordings suggest voice of B. senegalensis is lower-pitched than (nominate) vermiculatus.
Fast piping. A loud, rather strident overslurred series of short piping whistles. Rather similar to the previous vocalisation but all notes remain short, thus sounding more like a symmetrical up and down trilled series. Number of notes also higher, typically 30 or more.
Wheee! A single overslurred piping whistle of about 0.5s duration, reaching ⁓4‒5kHz, transcribed as Whee (9) or Tseeuuo! (6).
Growl. In intense anxiety (such as when being handled), gives a blood-curdling raspy growl (6).
Other. A triple kwa-lee-vee is given in alarm (9).
Geographic variation
Has not been studied in detail. Voice of race buettikoferi is poorly documented.
Basically vocal all year. No clear trends have been documented.
Daily Pattern of Vocalizing
Mainly crepuscular and nocturnal in habits, its piping series can be heard from dusk till dawn. However occasionally also vocal during the day, especially when being disturbed.
Places of Vocalizing
Mainly vocal in flight, but piping series are also given from the ground. Typically close to their waterside habitat, but at night can be heard at least 1km away from water (9).
Sex Differences
No information.
Social Content and Presumed Functions of Vocalizations
Little information. Piping whistles presumably mainly to keep contact among members of a pair or group, with less clear territorial function. It is unclear whether the two types of piping series (slowing and fast) do have a different function. Wheee! call presumably an alarm call, often given in flight or when unexpectedly disturbed (6). Raspy growls or hisses are uttered when threatened.
Nonvocal Sounds
None documented.
Season variable, but generally dry season and early rains in S Africa; Sept–Jan in Liberia (10); Jan, Apr and May in Ghana (8); Aug in Somalia (11); mainly at start of rains, Aug–Oct, in Uganda, but recorded most other months (2); Jan and Mar–Dec in Kenya; Nov in Tanzania; Jul in Gabon (12); Sep–Oct in Malawi (4); Apr and Jul–Nov (mainly Aug–Oct) in Zambia (3); Aug–Dec (exceptionally Jul–Jan) (13) in Zimbabwe and South Africa. Monogamous. Solitary. Nest is a scrape on either sandy or slightly stony ground (3), sometimes sparsely lined, often close to water (< 20 m) (13), either on shore or island (13), and near a landmark, e.g. piece of driftwood or bush, or under a palm tree on beach (Liberia) (10). Incubating bird usually quietly leaves well advance of any approaching danger or predator (13). Normally two buffy-white to sandy-yellow eggs with dark brown, black and violet-coloured markings (1), rarely one, size 44–54 mm × 32·7–39 mm (1); eggs smaller and less heavily marked than those of B. capensis (13); single brood; incubation 22–25 days, by both sexes (13). Downy young undescribed (1), but provisioned by both adults (13). No further information available.
Conservation Status
Not globally threatened (Least Concern). Very little precise information available, partly due to secretive habits, and, in N of range, confusion with very similar B. senegalensis, with range of present species in Ethiopia still subject to elucidation due to such difficulties (14). Species still said to be locally abundant, and recorded in flocks of up to 100 birds in non-breeding season in Zambia (3); locally common in southern Africa; common in Angola; probably uncommon in Nigeria, Ethiopia (15) and Somalia (11). Precise distribution in W Africa still poorly known: only recently discovered in Benin (on coast) (7); restricted to coastal areas of Ghana, where it is a locally common resident (8); considered common in coastal Libera, where population recently estimated at > 500 pairs (10), and also in Ivory Coast (5).
- Year-round
- Migration
- Breeding
- Non-Breeding