Palmchat Dulus dominicus Scientific name definitions
- LC Least Concern
- Names (24)
- Monotypic
Spencer Schubert, Holly Garrod, André Dhondt, and Sarah Dzielski
Version: 2.0 — Published January 28, 2022
Revision Notes
Revision Notes
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Species names in all available languages
Language | Common name |
Bulgarian | Палмова копринарка |
Catalan | cigua de les palmeres |
Croatian | palmašica |
Dutch | Palmtapuit |
English | Palmchat |
English (United States) | Palmchat |
Estonian | palmilind |
French | Esclave palmiste |
French (Canada) | Esclave palmiste |
German | Palmenschwätzer |
Haitian Creole (Haiti) | Zwazo-palmis |
Japanese | ヤシドリ |
Latvian | Palmčivulis |
Norwegian | palmetrost |
Polish | palmowiec |
Russian | Дулюс |
Serbian | Palmarka |
Slovak | dulus družný |
Spanish | Sigua Palmera |
Spanish (Dominican Republic) | Cigua Palmera |
Spanish (Spain) | Sigua palmera |
Swedish | palmtrast |
Turkish | Dominik Palmiyekuşu |
Ukrainian | Пальмовик |
Revision Notes
Spencer Schubert, Holly Garrod, and André Dhondt as part of a partnership with BirdsCaribbean. Arnau Bonan Barfull curated the media. Qwahn Kent copyedited the account.
Dulus dominicus (Linnaeus, 1766)
Tanagra dominica
Linnaeus, 1766. Systema Naturæ. Editio duodecima reformata. Tomus I [part 1], p.316.
Dominica = Santo Domingo, Hispaniola.
Avibase, 2024
- dominicensis / dominicus
- Dominicus
The Key to Scientific Names
Legend Overview
UPPERCASE: current genus
Uppercase first letter: generic synonym
● and ● See: generic homonyms
lowercase: species and subspecies
●: early names, variants, misspellings
‡: extinct
†: type species
Gr.: ancient Greek
L.: Latin
<: derived from
syn: synonym of
/: separates historical and modern geographic names
ex: based on
TL: type locality
OD: original diagnosis (genus) or original description (species)
- Year-round
- Migration
- Breeding
- Non-Breeding
Distribution of the Palmchat