Slaty-blue Flycatcher Ficedula tricolor Scientific name definitions
Text last updated January 1, 2006
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Species names in all available languages
Language | Common name |
Bangla (India) | শ্লেট-নীল চুটকি |
Catalan | papamosques tricolor |
Chinese (SIM) | 灰蓝姬鹟 |
Croatian | sivoplava muharica |
Dutch | Leiblauwe vliegenvanger |
English | Slaty-blue Flycatcher |
English (United States) | Slaty-blue Flycatcher |
French | Gobemouche bleu-ardoise |
French (Canada) | Gobemouche bleu-ardoise |
German | Dreifarbenschnäpper |
Hindi | स्लेटी नीली मछरिया |
Japanese | カオグロヒタキ |
Korean | 진푸른딱새 |
Nepali (India) | टिकटिके अर्जुनक |
Nepali (Nepal) | टिकटिके अर्जुनक |
Norwegian | lazulifluesnapper |
Polish | muchołowka trójbarwna |
Punjabi (India) | ਸਲੇਟੀ-ਨੀਲੀ ਟਿਕਟਿਕੀ |
Russian | Трёхцветная мухоловка |
Serbian | Škriljasto-plava muharica |
Slovak | muchárik trojfarebný |
Spanish | Papamoscas Tricolor |
Spanish (Spain) | Papamoscas tricolor |
Swedish | blågrå flugsnappare |
Thai | นกจับแมลงหน้าดำคอขาว |
Turkish | Üç Renkli Sinekkapan |
Ukrainian | Мухоловка гімалайська |
Ficedula tricolor (Hodgson, 1845)
- ficedula
- tricolor / tricolora
The Key to Scientific Names
Legend Overview
Field Identification
Systematics History
Editor's Note: This article requires further editing work to merge existing content into the appropriate Subspecies sections. Please bear with us while this update takes place.
Name leucomelanura is a synonym of tricolor, based on a male of present species described simultaneously with a female described as tricolor; name tricolor awarded priority, but when species placed in Muscicapa, name tricolor is preoccupied and must be replaced by leucomelanura (1). Proposed race notata (Kashmir) also synonymous with nominate. Four subspecies recognized.Subspecies
Ficedula tricolor tricolor Scientific name definitions
W and C Himalayas of N Pakistan and Kashmir E to C Nepal and SW Tibet; non-breeding at lower altitudes.
Ficedula tricolor tricolor (Hodgson, 1845)
- ficedula
- tricolor / tricolora
The Key to Scientific Names
Legend Overview
Ficedula tricolor minuta Scientific name definitions
Himalayas from C and E Nepal E to NE India (Arunachal Pradesh and W Assam) and SE Tibet; non-breeding at lower altitudes, including Assam Valley and Bangladesh.
Ficedula tricolor minuta (Hume, 1872)
- ficedula
- tricolor / tricolora
- minuta
The Key to Scientific Names
Legend Overview
Ficedula tricolor cerviniventris Scientific name definitions
Ficedula tricolor cerviniventris (Sharpe, 1879)
- ficedula
- tricolor / tricolora
- cerviniventris
The Key to Scientific Names
Legend Overview
Ficedula tricolor diversa Scientific name definitions
Ficedula tricolor diversa Vaurie, 1953
- ficedula
- tricolor / tricolora
- diversa
The Key to Scientific Names
Legend Overview
Editor's Note: Additional distribution information for this taxon can be found in the 'Subspecies' article above. In the future we will develop a range-wide distribution article.
Diet and Foraging
Sounds and Vocal Behavior
Conservation Status
Not globally threatened (Least Concern). Common in W & NW Himalayas, local in C & E Nepal, locally common in NE India and Assam; fairly common to uncommon in China, N Myanmar and N Vietnam. In N Pakistan, densities of 3–4 breeding pairs within 100 m of each other.
- Year-round
- Migration
- Breeding
- Non-Breeding