Birds of the World
 - Mindanao Jungle Flycatcher

Mindanao Jungle Flycatcher Vauriella goodfellowi Scientific name definitions

Peter Clement
Version: 1.0 — Published March 4, 2020
Text last updated January 1, 2006

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Field Identification

17·5–18 cm. Large, grey jungle-flycatcher. Forehead to crown and nape are blackish-slate, lower forehead and supraloral area whitish, lores and area around eye broadly black, bordered whitish on cheek and ear-coverts; upperparts, including neck side and lower face, dark slate-grey, flight-feathers and tail the same or edged slightly paler brown; chin and centre of throat white, side of throat, breast and upper flanks buffish to pale brownish-buff, centre of belly to undertail-coverts whitish; iris dark; bill black; legs bluish-grey. Sexes alike. Juvenile is similar to adult, but head streaked with orange-buff, upperparts mottled with large rufous spots, tips of wing-coverts also rufous, underpart feathers with pale orange-buff centres and dark fringes, breastband darker, iris dark reddish-brown, bill dark horn with yellow cutting edge, legs flesh-pink.

Systematics History

Previously regarded as conspecific with V. gularis, V. albigularis and V. insignis, but all now considered sufficiently different to warrant treatment as separate species. Monotypic.




Mindanao, in S Philippines.


Montane dipterocarp and moss forests, above 1000 m.



Diet and Foraging

Diet not recorded; presumably mostly small invertebrates. Usually solitary or in pairs. Unobtrusive; sits quietly on perch in forest understorey, usually within 10 m of ground.

Sounds and Vocal Behavior

Song, given from perch c. 1 m above ground, a series c. 3 seconds long consisting of up to 16 high-pitched, rapidly repeated “tsi” notes, which rise evenly in pitch for first 1·5 seconds, levelling out for remaining half, accelerating near end and then slightly decelerating; repeated up to six times per minute for several minutes.


Birds in breeding condition and recently fledged young in Feb–Apr and Sept/Oct. No other information.
Not globally threatened. Currently considered Near-threatened. Restricted-range species: present in Mindanao and the Eastern Visayas EBA. Uncommon or rare. Known from six montane localities in C Mindanao.
Distribution of the Mindanao Jungle-Flycatcher - Range Map
  • Year-round
  • Migration
  • Breeding
  • Non-Breeding
Distribution of the Mindanao Jungle-Flycatcher

Recommended Citation

Clement, P. (2020). Mindanao Jungle Flycatcher (Vauriella goodfellowi), version 1.0. In Birds of the World (J. del Hoyo, A. Elliott, J. Sargatal, D. A. Christie, and E. de Juana, Editors). Cornell Lab of Ornithology, Ithaca, NY, USA.
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