Whitehead's Swiftlet Aerodramus whiteheadi Scientific name definitions
Text last updated October 12, 2015
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Species names in all available languages
Language | Common name |
Bulgarian | Лусонски малък бързолет |
Catalan | salangana de Whitehead |
Croatian | whiteheadova čiopica |
Czech | salangana filipínská |
Dutch | Whiteheadsalangaan |
English | Whitehead's Swiftlet |
English (United States) | Whitehead's Swiftlet |
Estonian | mägisalangaan |
Finnish | aponsalangaani |
French | Salangane de Whitehead |
French (Canada) | Salangane de Whitehead |
German | Philippinensalangane |
Japanese | フィリピンアナツバメ |
Norwegian | storhodesalangan |
Polish | salangana lśniąca |
Russian | Лузонская салангана |
Serbian | Vajthedova čiopica |
Slovak | salangána horská |
Spanish | Salangana de Whitehead |
Spanish (Spain) | Salangana de Whitehead |
Swedish | storhuvad salangan |
Turkish | Whitehead Yelyutanı |
Ukrainian | Салангана датайська |
Aerodramus whiteheadi (Ogilvie-Grant, 1895)
- whiteheadi
The Key to Scientific Names
Legend Overview
Field Identification
13–14 cm; 14 g (one female). Large swiftlet with massive head and deep tail-fork; black-brown upperparts with some white rami but lacking paler rump; extensive pale fringing to lores and over eye; paler brown underparts; naked tarsi. Race origenis darker above and below. No information available as to whether or not species is capable of echolocation.
Systematics History
Editor's Note: This article requires further editing work to merge existing content into the appropriate Subspecies sections. Please bear with us while this update takes place.
In the past considered conspecific with A. orientalis, but apparently not closely related. Formerly linked with A. brevirostris, but differs in nest type and rump pattern. Has also been considered conspecific with A. papuensis, but does not lack fourth toe. Two forms previously listed as races of present species are now synonymized with other congeneric taxa: tsubame with A. vanikorensis palawanensis; and apoensis with A. mearnsi. Many old records attributed to this species refer in fact to A. vanikorensis amelis. Two subspecies recognized.Subspecies
Single record from Negros (Mt Kanla-on) in 1998 (1).
Aerodramus whiteheadi whiteheadi Scientific name definitions
Aerodramus whiteheadi whiteheadi (Ogilvie-Grant, 1895)
- whiteheadi
The Key to Scientific Names
Legend Overview
Aerodramus whiteheadi origenis Scientific name definitions
Aerodramus whiteheadi origenis (Oberholser, 1906)
- whiteheadi
- origenes / origenis
The Key to Scientific Names
Legend Overview
Editor's Note: Additional distribution information for this taxon can be found in the 'Subspecies' article above. In the future we will develop a range-wide distribution article.
Diet and Foraging
Sounds and Vocal Behavior
Conservation Status
Not globally threatened. Currently considered Data Deficient. Restricted-range species: present in Luzon EBA and Mindanao and the Eastern Visayas EBA. Known from only four mountains: one on Luzon (nominate whiteheadi) and three on Mindanao (race origenis). Luzon specimens come from Mt Data in 1895, with no subsequent records. On Mindanao, known from Mt Apo in 1904 and Mts Kitanglad and Matutum in 1993; specimens taken in 1990s at an unnamed locality in S Cotabato may or may not relate to latter Mt Matutum records. Additionally, several Aerodramus caught in mist-nets at Mt Kitanglad in Feb 1997, but not positively identified, are thought probably to have been this species (2). Population unknown. May be at risk from habitat loss; Mt Data already appears to have been deforested (2). Clearly in need of further study. Inaccessibility of known localities and identification difficulties (even with birds in the hand) frustrate determination of conservation status (3).
- Year-round
- Migration
- Breeding
- Non-Breeding