- Sphenisciformes
- Spheniscidae
Southern Rockhopper Penguin Eudyptes chrysocome
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The smallest of the crested penguins. Note the thin yellow eyebrows that, once past the eyes, flare out toward the rear of the head. The species consists of two subspecies, "Eastern" and "Western" Rockhopper Penguins. "Western" Rockhopper Penguin breeds on offshore islands off southern Chile and Argentina and on the Falkland Islands, while "Eastern" Rockhopper Penguin breeds on various subantarctic islands around New Zealand and the southern Indian Ocean. "Eastern" has even eyebrows with pink skin at the base of the bill; "Western" has black skin at the base of the bill, with an uneven eyebrow shape. Vagrants occasionally reach the Snares Islands. Distinguished from Snares Penguin by thinner eyebrow and smaller bill, and from Moseley’s Rockhopper Penguin by shorter, less flowing crest.