Somali Pigeon Columba oliviae Scientific name definitions
- LC Least Concern
- Names (25)
- Monotypic
Text last updated August 23, 2018
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Species names in all available languages
Language | Common name |
Bulgarian | Сомалийски гълъб |
Catalan | colom de Somàlia |
Croatian | somalijski golub |
Czech | holub somálský |
Danish | Somalidue |
Dutch | Somalische holenduif |
English | Somali Pigeon |
English (United States) | Somali Pigeon |
Estonian | somaali õõnetuvi |
Finnish | somaliankyyhky |
French | Pigeon de Somalie |
French (Canada) | Pigeon de Somalie |
German | Somalitaube |
Hebrew | יונה סומלית |
Japanese | ソマリーヒメバト |
Norwegian | somalidue |
Polish | gołąb somalijski |
Russian | Сомалийский голубь |
Serbian | Somalijski golub |
Slovak | holub útesový |
Spanish | Paloma Somalí |
Spanish (Spain) | Paloma somalí |
Swedish | somaliaduva |
Turkish | Boz Güvercin |
Ukrainian | Голуб сомалійський |
Columba oliviae Clarke, 1918
- columba
- oliviae
The Key to Scientific Names
Legend Overview
Field Identification
28 cm. General colour lavender-grey, mantle and wings with brownish tinge; lower back and rump bluer, darker grey; primaries tipped with black; tail black with grey central band; forehead, crown and nape mauve-pink; hindneck with patch of iridescent coppery brown with green suffusion; iris yellow; orbital skin red or purplish red; bill black, cere white; legs pink. In some individuals wings are flecked with black, atavistic remnants of wingbars found in C. eversmanni. Sexes alike. Juvenile unknown.
Systematics History
Coasts of N & NE Somalia.
Inhabits rocky and sandstone hills and escarpments; found in areas of scant vegetation and almost no water, up to 750 m (once to 1425 m).
Locally migratory, in hot weather of May–Sept absent from cliffs at Guban.
Diet and Foraging
Feeds mostly on the ground, where takes seeds; cultivated grain; berries also known to be eaten.
Sounds and Vocal Behavior
Poorly documented. Presumed advertising call described as “wuk-wuk-wuk-oooh”, the notes sounding similar to those of related species but the final note being more drawn-out (1).
Nests found in May and Aug. Two nests examined were made of dried grass placed in recesses in cave roofs. Each contained one egg.
Conservation Status
Not globally threatened. Currently considered Data Deficient. Restricted-range species, endemic to north-east Somalia and present in North Somali Mountains EBA. A very poorly known species, in urgent need of study; although locally common and not known to be declining, species may be threatened, considering its very small range. One potential threat may come from Speckled Pigeon Columba guinea, which is expanding its range very rapidly in Somalia and had encroached upon present species' range by 2005 (2). Surveys required, in order to establish current population size, trends, and conservation requirements. Effects of extended period of warfare within species' limited range remain to be determined.
- Year-round
- Migration
- Breeding
- Non-Breeding