Lesser Melampitta Melampitta lugubris Scientific name definitions
Text last updated February 4, 2013
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Species names in all available languages
Language | Common name |
Catalan | melampita menuda |
Croatian | mali crnjaš |
Dutch | Kleine paradijspitta |
English | Lesser Melampitta |
English (United States) | Lesser Melampitta |
French | Petite Mélampitte |
French (Canada) | Petite Mélampitte |
German | Glanzflöter |
Indonesian | Melampitta kecil |
Japanese | クロチメドリ |
Norwegian | dvergmelampitta |
Polish | czarniak mały |
Russian | Малая мелампитта |
Serbian | Mala melampita |
Slovak | prespevák dlhonohý |
Spanish | Melampita Chica |
Spanish (Spain) | Melampita chica |
Swedish | mindre svartpitta |
Turkish | Küçük Melampit |
Ukrainian | Чорняк малий |
Melampitta lugubris Schlegel, 1871
- lugubris
The Key to Scientific Names
Legend Overview
Field Identification
17–18 cm; 29–32 g. Male has plumage entirely black, forehead glossy, feathers of forehead, forecrown, lores and cheek short and velvety; iris red; bill and legs black. Female differs from male only in having iris dark brown. Juvenile is dark brown or tawny-tinged black above, rusty brown below. Races differ minimally: rostrata has larger bill than others; longicauda has longer tail.
Systematics History
Editor's Note: This article requires further editing work to merge existing content into the appropriate Subspecies sections. Please bear with us while this update takes place.
Previously divided into three races, namely nominate (Arfak Mts, in NW New Guinea), rostrata (Weyland Mts and Nassau Range, in WC), and longicauda (Oranje Range E to Huon Peninsula and Owen Stanley Range); but differences minimal (involving measurements) and variation probably clinal (1). Treated as monotypic.Subspecies
Melampitta lugubris lugubris Scientific name definitions
Melampitta lugubris lugubris Schlegel, 1871
- lugubris
The Key to Scientific Names
Legend Overview
Melampitta lugubris rostrata Scientific name definitions
Melampitta lugubris rostrata (Ogilvie-Grant, 1913)
- lugubris
- rostrata
- Rostrata
The Key to Scientific Names
Legend Overview
Melampitta lugubris longicauda Scientific name definitions
Melampitta lugubris longicauda Mayr & Gilliard, 1952
- lugubris
- longicauda
The Key to Scientific Names
Legend Overview
Arfak Mts, in NW New Guinea, and Central Range from Weyland Mts, Oranje Range and Nassau Range E to Huon Peninsula and Owen Stanley Range.
Mountain forest and adjoining regrowth with dense undergrowth, particularly gulleys in vicinity of streams; 1150–3500 m, mainly 2000–2800 m.
Diet and Foraging
Sounds and Vocal Behavior
Song is a gradually descending series of rapid buzzy notes, “zwee-dididididididi”. Probable advertising or contact call is a double clicking note, like the sound of a pebble dropping into water or a loud click of the tongue; also a quiet, short tapping sound when foraging; loud “chit-chit-chit-chit-chit” given by female flushed from nest.
Conservation Status
- Year-round
- Migration
- Breeding
- Non-Breeding