Dark Batis Batis crypta Scientific name definitions
- LC Least Concern
- Names (19)
- Monotypic
Text last updated January 1, 2006
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Species names in all available languages
Language | Common name |
Catalan | batis d'Iringa |
Croatian | gorski batis |
Dutch | Iringavliegenvanger |
English | Dark Batis |
English (United States) | Dark Batis |
French | Pririt obscur |
French (Canada) | Pririt obscur |
German | Iringaschnäpper |
Japanese | アカバネセワタビタキ |
Norwegian | iringabatis |
Polish | krępnik ciemny |
Russian | Ирингийский батис |
Serbian | Tamni batis |
Slovak | strakošík tmavý |
Spanish | Batis de Iringa |
Spanish (Spain) | Batis de Iringa |
Swedish | iringabatis |
Turkish | Iringa Batisi |
Ukrainian | Приріт ірингійський |
Batis crypta Fjeldså et al., 2006
- crypta
The Key to Scientific Names
Legend Overview
Field Identification
9·5–10 cm; 10·5–13·6 g. Very small flycatcher-like and shrike-like bird with contrasting black, grey and white colours, rather short tail. Male is dark grey above, black mask from lores to ear-coverts, middle back spotted with black; wing feathers edged grey, whitish wingstripe; tail black, tipped white, outer feathers edged white; whitish-grey below, broad black breastband; iris red or reddish-brown, outer rim darker than inner one; bill and legs black. Differs from B. mixta in slightly longer tail, generally broader breastband. Female has grey crown, olivaceous upperparts, cinnamon wing markings, prominent brick-red throat patch and pectoral bar (white terminal parts of feathers giving grizzled appearance) often clearly separated by white lower throat; differs from B. mixta in that only the three inner median wing-coverts have broad cinnamon outer vanes, remaining ones with thin rusty edges, and has restricted (not broad) cinnamon stripe on closed wing, also red patches below, intermediate in colour between pale brown of B. mixta and chestnut of B. capensis. Juvenile undescribed.
Systematics History
E & S Tanzania in regions of Dodoma, Morogoro and Iringa (Kiboriani Mts and Wota Mts, Ukaguru Mts, Uluguru Mts, and Rubeho and Iringa Highlands S to highlands near L Malawi); also extreme NW Malawi (Misuku Hills).
Patches of evergreen forest in mountains, at 540–2160 m; peak abundance in evergreen montane forest at c. 1500 m. Outside breeding season found also in Brachystegia (miombo) woodland and in wooded foothill areas.
Resident; some local or altitudinal post-breeding movement.
Diet and Foraging
Diet probably insects. No other information.
Sounds and Vocal Behavior
Vocal repertoire incompletely understood; gives repeated isolated low whistles with ringing metallic quality. Wings produce very distinctive whirring sound in flight.
Laying reported in Dec (Uluguru) and Jan (Njombe); 2 eggs. No other information.
Conservation Status
Not assessed. Widespread and common throughout range in both Tanzania and Malawi. Often present in high abundance; because of flexibility in habitat use, and apparent seasonal movements, probably not threatened.
- Year-round
- Migration
- Breeding
- Non-Breeding