Palau Fantail Rhipidura lepida Scientific name definitions
- LC Least Concern
- Names (19)
- Monotypic
Text last updated May 19, 2017
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Species names in all available languages
Language | Common name |
Catalan | cua de ventall de les Palau |
Croatian | palauska lepezašica |
Dutch | Palauwaaierstaart |
English | Palau Fantail |
English (United States) | Palau Fantail |
French | Rhipidure des Palau |
French (Canada) | Rhipidure des Palau |
German | Palaufächerschwanz |
Japanese | アカオウギビタキ |
Norwegian | palauviftestjert |
Polish | wachlarzówka rdzawogrzbieta |
Russian | Палауская веерохвостка |
Serbian | Lepezarka sa ostrva Palau |
Slovak | vejárnik kolohrivý |
Spanish | Abanico de Palaos |
Spanish (Spain) | Abanico de Palaos |
Swedish | palausolfjäderstjärt |
Turkish | Palau Katmerkuyruğu |
Ukrainian | Віялохвістка палауська |
Rhipidura lepida Hartlaub & Finsch, 1868
- rhipidura / rhipidurus
- lepida
The Key to Scientific Names
Legend Overview
Field Identification
18 cm. Has crown and upperparts cinnamon-rufous, rump slightly lighter, lores dusky grey, orbital ring and ear-coverts dark brown; remiges dusky brown, inner secondaries, secondary coverts and scapulars edged with cinnamon-rufous, median and lesser wing-coverts cinnamon-rufous; rectrices dusky black with rufous bases and extensive rufous tips; chin, upper throat and malar region white, lower throat and upper breast black becoming greyer on sides (forming broad band), lower breast white, belly and undertail-coverts light cinnamon-rufous; iris dark brown; bill blackish, base of lower mandible whitish; legs brownish. Sexes similar, female slightly smaller than male. Juvenile has upperparts brown, body feathers narrowly tipped rufous, wing-coverts broadly edged rufous; immature like adult, but head and neck brown, throat dingy white, breast patch washed with cinnamon.
Systematics History
Palau Is: Babelthuap, Koror, Urukthapel, Eil Malk and Peleliu.
Diet and Foraging
Sounds and Vocal Behavior
Song of chirps and squeaks, a succession of syllables on same pitch, each with downward inflection, described as “like sound of heavy piece of furniture being rolled on wooden casters”; also loud, squeaky downward-inflected call notes, “keee-up!” and “queeer”; also rhythmic “kéé-keer-kew”; loud harsh scolding notes.
Season not documented. During possible courtship activity, one individual displays in front of another by holding fully fanned tail cocked over back. Nest a tightly woven cup, with pendent “tail” several centimetres long, placed in fork; one nest contained a single young. No other information.
Conservation Status
- Year-round
- Migration
- Breeding
- Non-Breeding