Birds of the World
 - Palau Fantail
 - Palau Fantail
 - Palau Fantail
 - Palau Fantail

Palau Fantail Rhipidura lepida Scientific name definitions

Walter Boles
Version: 1.0 — Published March 4, 2020
Text last updated May 19, 2017

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Field Identification

18 cm. Has crown and upperparts cinnamon-rufous, rump slightly lighter, lores dusky grey, orbital ring and ear-coverts dark brown; remiges dusky brown, inner secondaries, secondary coverts and scapulars edged with cinnamon-rufous, median and lesser wing-coverts cinnamon-rufous; rectrices dusky black with rufous bases and extensive rufous tips; chin, upper throat and malar region white, lower throat and upper breast black becoming greyer on sides (forming broad band), lower breast white, belly and undertail-coverts light cinnamon-rufous; iris dark brown; bill blackish, base of lower mandible whitish; legs brownish. Sexes similar, female slightly smaller than male. Juvenile has upperparts brown, body feathers narrowly tipped rufous, wing-coverts broadly edged rufous; immature like adult, but head and neck brown, throat dingy white, breast patch washed with cinnamon.

Systematics History

Perhaps closest to R. teysmanni, R. superflua, R. dedemi and R. opistherythra. Monotypic.




Palau Is: Babelthuap, Koror, Urukthapel, Eil Malk and Peleliu.


Occurs in forest, including isolated pockets in ravines in fire-maintained savanna, secondary growth, mature forest; occasionally enters surrounding scrub to forage. Found infrequently in mangroves.



Diet and Foraging

Insects. Forages in undergrowth and subcanopy, occasionally across rocks and fallen tree trunks. Moves by hopping and flying; tail held closed while foraging. Insects caught by flycatching from perch or gleaned from bark or foliage.

Sounds and Vocal Behavior

Song  of chirps and squeaks, a succession of syllables on same pitch, each with downward inflection, described as “like sound of heavy piece of furniture being rolled on wooden casters”; also loud, squeaky downward-inflected call notes, “keee-up!” and “queeer”; also rhythmic “kéé-keer-kew”; loud harsh scolding notes.


Season not documented. During possible courtship activity, one individual displays in front of another by holding fully fanned tail cocked over back. Nest a tightly woven cup, with pendent “tail” several centimetres long, placed in fork; one nest contained a single young. No other information.

Not globally threatened. Restricted-range species: present in Palau EBA. Abundant on Peleliu, and common on most other islands; uncommon on Koror. Noted as being present in small numbers or considered to be rare or uncommon in 1930s-1940s; has increased since then, becoming one of the more common forest birds throughout much of Palau Is.
Distribution of the Palau Fantail - Range Map
  • Year-round
  • Migration
  • Breeding
  • Non-Breeding
Distribution of the Palau Fantail

Recommended Citation

Boles, W. (2020). Palau Fantail (Rhipidura lepida), version 1.0. In Birds of the World (J. del Hoyo, A. Elliott, J. Sargatal, D. A. Christie, and E. de Juana, Editors). Cornell Lab of Ornithology, Ithaca, NY, USA.
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